A quick overview

Project consortium


Today, cybersecurity is a priority for the digital EU agenda: in an ever-evolving digital world, cybersecurity has become a paramount concern for governments, businesses, and individuals. This environment is a complex one to navigate in, especially for individuals, SMEs and start-ups.

To tackle this issue, Europe is defining standards and principles for cybersecurity through specific investments and legislative proposals, such as the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA), which establishes stricter obligations for software providers for ensuring the security of their products and services. With cyber threats increasing each year, the CRA defines the legislative framework of essential cybersecurity requirements that manufacturers must meet when placing any product with digital elements on the European market.

The Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) is a first ever EU wide legislation of its kind: it introduces  mandatory cybersecurity requirements for hardware and software products, throughout their whole lifecycle. You can read more about the Cyber Resilience Act here

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