External Evaluators

Apply to become an external evaluator and contribute to shaping the standardisation landscape of the future Cyber Resilience Act.




What is an External Evaluator?

In CYBERSTAND.eu, External Evaluators (EE) will be selected to review proposals to the CYBERSTAND.eu Specific Supporting Procedures (SSP). EE should demonstrate experience and possess a proven track record in cybersecurity standardisation domains to be covered in the SSPs.

How can I apply to become an External Evaluator?

The EE Specific Service Procedure is now open for applications. For submitting an application, please register on the CYBERSTAND.eu platform, complete the application form and attach your CV. 
Applications to join our External Evaluators are open to individuals from EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs)) and EEA countries (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein) from academic institutions, business associations, and industries, including SMEs.

Apply now


CYBERSTAND.eu is selecting External Evaluators (EE) to review proposals to the CYBERSTAND.eu Specific Supporting Procedures (SSP), a cycle of 6 Specific Supporting Procedures running over the 36-month project lifetime, with a budget of € 1,500,000 earmarked to support participation of European cybersecurity standardisation specialists in key international and global SDOs and consortia.  
Upon selection for CYBERSTAND.eu EE, members will be engaged via a standard contract with CYBERSTAND.eu for the duration of the 6 Specific Support Procedures cycles.  

Evaluation will be carried out entirely remotely, via the CYBERSTAND.eu platform, where access will be granted to the applications assigned and online evaluation forms.
Upon closure of each CYBERSTAND.eu Specific Support Procedure cycle, three members will be drawn from our pool to evaluate each eligible application. Assignment of the applications will be made on the basis of expertise and with due regard to gender and geographical balance.

Prior to the review process our evaluators will be briefed fully on the principles guiding the calls and the application and the selection criteria.
Please note that the contract to be signed upon selection will include standard provisions to guarantee that no conflict of interest exists and complete confidentiality is ensured.

Services Required

Services are to be provided remotely via the CYBERSTAND.eu Grants platform and will involve evaluation of the applications received in response to the CYBERSTAND.eu Specific Support Procedure cycles. The pool will gather members with differing expertise to enable flexibility when assigning applications and to ensure that independence and fairness are upheld for each application evaluated.

To this purpose, all EPE members will be required to sign a standard contract with strict provisions governing Conflict of Interest and non-disclosure of any information relative to the proposals or which is proprietary information to the CYBERSTAND.eu Consortium, before being accepted to the Pool.


The EE will be remunerated at a daily rate of 450€, to be paid on the basis of the number of proposals evaluated, with the time to be spent on each evaluation set at 30 mins per proposal.

Criteria of selection

The CYBERSTAND.eu EPE will be selected on the basis of the following criteria: 

  • Strong expertise in cybersecurity standardisation domains covered in the Specific Support Procedures - additional skills in cybersecurity and knowledge of the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) are a plus;
  • Active involvement in related efforts in priority cybersecurity standardisation and CRA topics over the past 12-18 months, such as chair roles, rapporteurs/convenors, contributors/supporters in SSOs and SDOs and Working Groups;
  • Active engagement in cybersecurity standardisation events is a plus.
  • Knowledge of the European product and service market impacted by the CRA 

To be considered eligible, evaluators: 

  • Should not be part of CYBERSTAND.eu Consortium;
  • Will be asked to sign a non-conflict of interest declaration, before being accepted to perform their duties for a specific evaluation. A conflict of interest exists if an evaluator:
    • is a director, trustee or partner or is in any way involved in the management of the applicant's organisation
    • has a close family or personal relationship with the applicant or the applicant's organisation
    • is employed or contracted by one of the applicant's organisation or any named subcontractors
    • has submitted a proposal for one of the CYBERSTAND.eu Specific Support Procedure cycles. In this specific case, the evaluator in question will not be considered among the list of potential evaluators for that specific call. 
    • was involved in any way in the preparation of the proposal or submitted the proposal itself stands to benefit directly or indirectly if the proposal is accepted.