A brand-new project funded by the European Union that aims at developing standards for an efficient implementation of the EU Cyber Resilience Act.
Europe’s Cyber Resilience Act marks a pivotal moment for cybersecurity in Europe by improving the cyber security of everyday products and software used by millions of Europeans every day.
With cyber threats increasing each year, the CRA defines the legislative framework of essential cybersecurity requirements that manufactures must meet when placing any product with digital elements on the European market. With modern companies operating in a global ecosystem, the impact of the CRA is likely to be felt across the world.
In order for manufactures to comply to the CRA, harmonised European standards need to be defined and developed. These should be based on an upcoming CRA standardisation request which is expected to be published by the EC in Autumn. To support this, the EU have funded the CYBERSTAND.eu project under the Digital Europe Programme.
“CYBERSTAND.eu comes at just the right time. Over the next three years, CYBERSTAND.eu will provide €1.5 million of funding to European experts to deliver standardisation services which directly meet the needs of the upcoming standardisation request.” comments CYBERSTAND.eu Coordinator Nicholas Ferguson, Trust-IT.
Six cycles for service provisions, or Specific Service Procedures (SSP), will be launched over the next three years, with the first open for submissions on 5th August. The topics of the SSPs will cover the areas of the Standardisation request, including the further development of already existing international standards.
In preparation for SSPs, CYBERSTAND.eu is now recruiting a pool of evaluators who will evaluate the applications received for each SSP. If you already work in standardisation or have an understanding of market needs then you can apply now on the CYBERSTAND.eu website
Dialogue with different stakeholders who will be directly impacted by the CRA is essential if its implementation is to be smooth. CYBERSTAND.eu will therefore establish a stakeholder Working Group (WG) and a series of open consultations which target SMEs, micro- businesses and the Open Source community. This inclusive approach aims to encourage dialogue and improve understanding of the CRA and its implications.
The CYBERSTAND.eu consortium brings together the key players in cybersecurity standardisation: the project is coordinated by Trust-IT Services (supported by its AE COMMpla), an SME with over 15 years’ experience of managing pan-European projects in standardisation & ICT. From a policy perspective, ECSO will lead the CRA Working Group, leveraging its broad network of cybersecurity organisations, while the Digital SME Alliance represent an essential bridge to the SME and start-up communities across Europe. Finally, the three European standardisation bodies CEN, CENELEC and ETSI, will play a key role in monitoring the standards landscape and priorities both in Europe and internationally.
As Europe prepares for the Cyber Reslience Act, CYBERSTAND.eu will play a key role in empowering European stakeholders to engage in the development of standards and confirmity that will ensure a smooth and efficient implementation of the Cyber Reslience Act.
For more information on CYBERSTAND,eu, contact us at web@cyberstand.eu and follow us: