Rusne Juozapaitiene

Title of proposal

Ensuring the rights of consumers and the protection of their data in CRA harmonised standards

CRA Standards

Horizontal standards for security requirements
Vertical standards for security requirements

What does the work you will carry out for the CYBERSTAND SSP consist of?
I actively contribute as an expert in the CEN-CENELEC Joint Technical Committee 13 (JTC 13), specifically within Working Groups 6 and 9. In this capacity, I participate in the meetings of these working groups, providing expert insights and analyses. Additionally, I offer comments and recommendations from the perspective of consumer representation, ensuring that the interests and rights of consumers are adequately considered in the standardization process.

What is the expected result and impact of this activity?
The objective is to fulfill the scope outlined in the Standardization Request, which mandates the development of 41 standards aimed at supporting the implementation and enforcement of the Cyber Resilience Act.

Which aspects of the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) standardisation are you focusing on?
Given my professional background as a privacy and cybersecurity expert, as well as a consumer advocate, my focus is on ensuring that the standards developed under the Standardization Request effectively address key cybersecurity and data protection challenges. I contribute by providing expert insights on privacy safeguards, security best practices, and consumer rights, aiming to enhance the resilience, transparency, and accountability of digital products and services within the framework of the Cyber Resilience Act.

Full Name
Rusne Juozapaitiene
Standards Development Organisation
Working Groups and Technical Committees